The kool aid drinkers are still out in force and all over the Internet. I read a kook blog and a couple of comments by more kooks that drink the kool aid and it was so idiotic you have to wonder what is wrong with some people. I found the link via Google+ nearby while on Daniele Island, S.C. I went and read the link a guy nearby posted and apparently agreed with whole heartily. It was pure lunacy. Then one of his friends posted to his comments that were even more whacked out. However they revealed why they were so kooky and on one had I felt sorry for them but on the other hand it doesn't explain their lack of honest and sincere thought.
That all leads me to comment on the whole thought process of the dedicated far left, which is about 1/3 of the country. In addition you have about another 20% that don't examine the facts for themselves but by what the media tells them to buy even though they can carry on a somewhat honest debate. They still buy the kool aid first. Sometimes they see the light and sometimes they don't.
This group of about 45% of the population still buys some basic fallacies and deny some basic facts. They also tend to believe it's ok for one political party (democrats) to violate the trust of the people but it's never ok for the other party (republicans) to violate the trust of the people. They believe the lies of the left, ignore the truth from the right and some even work at finding other sources now matter how dishonest to reinforce their false beliefs. Their most fatal flaw however is they always want to live in the past. Even though I'm going to use the past to make some points, the past doesn't matter, what are we doing to fix the problem now?
Here are some points and counter points that make the left so loony:
- They believe that George Bush stole the 2000 election and some even believe he stole the 2004 election but they refuse to believe that JFK stole the 1960 election and will sometimes get violent in their defense of the same. All this even though the biggest stack of evidence clearly sides with the 1960 election. Never mind the fact that even the media finally after all their research even said Bush won 2000 fair and square. 2000 was compounded by the fact the left tried to set up the stealing of Florida for the Democrats by announcing that Gore won Florida before the polls were closed, in a state where the final tally was with in the margin of error, as in too close to call.
- The kool aid drinkers also love to compare the "far right" to the Nazi's. What a joke! Clearly the left doesn't understand fascism and don't even notice that the closest politician we have had in my lifetime to a fascist is Obama. Fascism is socialism, period, end of story. Nobody on the right is a socialist. Fascism is also government owned corporations. Clearly the right doesn't want the government to own the corporations. What was the first thing Obama did when he took office? He illegally took control of two corporations and bought union support. Clearly fascism and socialism. Some on the left mistakenly (on purpose) try to say fascism is corporations owning government but the opposite is true. Communism is when the government literally owns everything. Fascism is when the government allows corporations but demands all their profits. Clearly much more aligned with Obama and the loony left.
- The media is the next topic of interest. Their are a lot of people that buy the well publicised, by the left, that there is some sort of Fox News bias. All the while they ignore the bias of the rest of the media which is a real bias, especially compared to the alleged bias at Fox. Moreover, Murdock's M.O. is to present the news according to the larger trend of thought based on some precise surveys. That then answers the question as to why Fox News gets such high ratings and then hammer CNN and MSNBC ratings, combined. The loony left thinks that Fox is influencing people. The facts are the opposite. Fox News represents the largest portion of thought in the country. On the other hand MSNBC is clearly loony left whack-o biased and you don't hear one word about it anywhere. Why? Easy! They are biased to the MSNBC slant. CNN didn't get their nickname "Clinton News Network" for no reason at all. The bias is clearly on the left and the mainstream media. The media is suppose to protect us from rogue politicians, instead they prop the same up. The kool aid drinkers on the left are "influenced." Why else do they repeat word for word what they hear from the liberal media? The media is so biased that you hear the exact same phrases on every network except one!
- Finally for this blog, the current economic crisis. The kool aid drinkers all buy the line "it's Bush's fault." The facts say otherwise. In fact, the facts say this is Clinton's fault. I've said it for years and history has proven it true. Bad law and/or policy never rears it's ugly head until after the purp is long gone. Everyone warned about the housing buble, which is largely to blame on this crisis, and it all happened under Clinton with the aid of two more left wing kooks; Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. This whole disaster happened because of policies of the Clinton administration, including the very early beginning of this crisis, which was Enron. Clinton gave us sub-prime mortgages and Enron, who then gave us $4 a gallon gasoline, which triggered the housing bust. You can read an older post on this blog to learn why Enron was responsible for the gasoline prices. Clinton however gave us this economic disaster and it is not even debatable. The loony left tried to blame Enron on Bush and he hadn't even been in office long enough to cause such a meltdown, well he wasn't if you are to believe the way Obama thinks, constantly blaming the last guy 3 years later. When is Obama going to take his blame?
The big picture here boils down to this: The left never takes blame for their errors, never admits their mistakes and they always lay blame and lie to their highly devoted constituants so they can keep their power. Their power is all that matters and anyone with a lick of intelligence can see it.
You break a promise to the republican base and you pay for it. Remember no new taxes?
While "W" could have done a better job he was the right guy for 9/11. That being said the Bush administration did warn of the Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac and sub prime loan debacle to come but the democrats ignored it.
In 2006 we gave the Democrats control, in 2008 they had Carte Banc! They made the economy worse. If all their policies are so good we should see some real recovery and we wouldn't have such high unemployement, one of Obama's key promises broken.
The kool aid drinking kooks of the far left that keep giving us people like Obama, Frank, Dodd and Clinton are to blame. Clinton rode the Reagan tax cuts and the interenet boom (and his false surpluss was during the Republican control of the house for those that want to mistakenly give him credit for a surplus.) Clinton's tax increases and the interenet bust gave us the short recesssion under Bush. Bush's tax cuts brought us out. The Democrats brought it back in 2007.
Oh, Clinton's tax increases topped the "laffer curve" which lowers revenues to the treasury, lowers venture capital and caused the internet bust (although admittedly it was going to slow.) The tax increase triggered it however.
Reagan's tax cuts and tax reform allowed for the prosperity of the 90's.
It should be clear to see that Clinton was one of the biggest mistakes this country ever made and a third party candidate allowed for the mistake to take place.
If we don't get rid of Obama and the the Democrat majority in the house, it's never going to get better and we are going to go through all this again in 2014 when Obamacare takes hold.