News On The Go

Sunday, February 6, 2011

More Random Thoughts

     I haven't updated my blog in a while so I thought I would put out a few thoughts for Superbowl Sunday.

Why the BCS is A Good Idea

     Wouldn't we all prefer to be watching New England v Philadelphia today?  (Maybe Atlanta in place of Philly)  Doesn't the Superbowl seem a little anti-climatic today?  Pittsburg is ok, I guess they won their division but they clearly aren't the best team in the AFC.  On the other hand Green Bay is a 6 seed and 6 seeds in SuperBowls are always a bummer.  The championship game in college football is about the whole body of work.  If your favorite team can't be in the championship game then you want the two best teams.  The BCS gives you the two best teams or at least two of the three best teams in that occasional year that you have a third team that also might deserve to get it.  Then all the sudden to the playoff proponets its about what's "fair" and "let them settle it on the field."  Yeah let them settle it on the field.....that's how we ended up with this SuperBowl Match up.  We were all looking forward to New England and Philly - instead we got two teams that played in bad divisions and one could argue got favorable match ups in the playoffs.  Yeah upsets count but admit it, they also take away the best possible game.

Seeing Double

     As the years of the Obama adminstration roll on, the rose colored glasses are finding poses of Jimmy Carter in the background.  Carter heavily contributed to the fall of Iran and now Obama is trying to assist in the fall of Eygpt.  It's not that the Eygptian government is the best model in the world but Obama wants to take it from bad to radical. 
     We actually don't really know how it will play out just yet and it is looking like we may accidentally end up with a better democracy than they have now.  Odds are just as likely however that we could end up with another middle eastern country being led by radicals. 
     The middle east has been a powder keg since Iran fell.  The radicals got a sudden sense of entitlement when the Shah gave way to the Ayotollah. 
     The interesting thing to me is why liberals in the United States defend such attitudes.  Radical islam is intolerant, they keep women as second class citizens and they are Pro Life! 
     Liberals defend them for one reason and one reason only.  Liberals are really socialist/communist.  Liberals believe in privledge classes and for the average citizen to live below them as one unified economic class.  That's is the one thing Islam gives them and they like it.

Things I've Noticed

     Anti War protesters are wrong every single time.  Don't misunderstand, it's not that I'm for war.  It's more like the protesters don't understand or won't understand.  Then add the most of the time it's cheaper to cut the enemy off at the  pass.

     The Main Stream News Media holds Republicans and Democrats to different standards.

     People that think Fox News is overly biased are geneally brainwashed by the bias of the rest of the Main Steam Media.

     Liberty is always preferable to political progression.

     The "redistribution of wealth" is one of the most vile and greedy progressive thoughts ever spewed out of a politicians mouth.  Nevermind that redistribution of wealth will ultimately not advance a people.  Nevermind that progressives waste immorally taxed monies but they never redistribute the money.  No progressive can show an example of where a tax has improved anybody's life.  The lone exceptions would be to build infrastructer and to defend a nation.

     Caroline Wozniacki is number 1 in the world based on a system that prevents "opinion."  Everyone knows Kim Clisters is really the best player in the world.

     The Obama Administration is becoming increasing corupt. 

     Obama's policies generally puts most of the burden of new taxes on the very people he pretends to defend. 

     Some people don't recognize evil until after it wrecks havoc.


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