News On The Go

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chocolate milk ban schools: Florida may ban chocolate milk, other sugary drinks, from public schools -

So now the "thought" police are out attacking what you eat and what your kids eat in school. Can you imagine if the "moral majority" was calling for banning chocolate milk in school, how much outrage you would hear. I think most people assume the "far right" was behind prohibition. When you look at everything the FAR LEFT wants to ban you can also bet they were behind prohibition as well. You do realize Woodrow Wilson (D) was president over the prohibition legislation, don't you? Coolidge was a Republican president that ended prohibition. The point here is, that it's Democrats that are cramping your style, not the Republicans as accused.

Chocolate milk ban schools: Florida may ban chocolate milk, other sugary drinks, from public schools -


  1. The Nanny State exists to tell people how to run their lives. Its classic elitism from people who don't care about individual rights or democracy. In their minds, they are right, so it doesn't matter what we think, or want to do, or even if they have the constitutional power to meddle in our personal affairs. To them, the ends justify the means. This horrible way of thinking permeates the Progressive agenda, and it destroys freedom.

  2. W/Wilson was not only behind prohibition he also was against women's right to vote - law enforcement put women in jail for campaigning for the right to vote. I could not believe how those women were treated while in jail, beaten, starved, chained to beds & walls just to name a few things. I was SHoCKED that that kind of thing happened in America - it sounded more like Hitler & the Nazi regime.
