News On The Go

Monday, September 20, 2010

News Update

Ok, for those of you who like my news updates on facebook I'm going to see about transitioning them here.  It will be similar to what you see on facebook only I will just list that this blog has been updated and that will keep the few people that don't like "politics" on facebook happy.

  • So now the UK wants all paychecks to go to the state first, then they will give you what they think you deserve out of your earnings  .   Big Ben & London Eye
Talk about the road to communism.   This IS communism.  Never mind that income tax at all is immoral.

  • Everyone is upset that Christine O'Donnell dabbled in witchcraft in high school.  What? Is that worse than Jeremiah Wright's Church?  Then you want to try to tell me the media isn't biased.  They did everything they could to brush Wright under the rug and they are trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill with O'Donnell.  (Which oh by the way she claims to be a Christian now.)  Liberals want to pass out condoms because "they are going to do it anyway" what is the big deal with a dabble in witchcraft during Halloween in High School?
  • Here is a quote and photo from a great commentator     
 "Big deal.  I mean Mrs. Clinton has openly talked about having seances, for crying out loud, with Eleanor Roosevelt.

And of course Obama even got that wrong, he ripped Nancy Reagan for having seances, it was Hillary that had seances.  You know, back when everybody learned that Bill was cattin' around, we heard that Hillary had talks with Eleanor Roosevelt, channeling Eleanor Roosevelt in the White House, seeking guidance because everybody knew what FDR was doing, wheelchair-bound or not, so she was seeking common ground, solidarity, or what have you.  I think what O'Donnell ought to say is" -- (laughing)  '"Yeah, yeah, I dabbled in witchcraft. I'm trying to deal with how to defeat Pelosi policies.  Aren't you?" '

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