Democrats in Disarray
The Democrats are in big trouble and they are in such a deep hole they are even running against their own agenda. There are actually Democrats that voted for health care (Obamacare) that are now campaigning against it. "We have three years to fix it....." vote us back in. Are they serious? You bet they're serious. It cannot be anymore evident than it is right now that for the past 60 years the Democratic party is the root of every problem we have in America. Everything they argue about is their own legislation. Well they finally put some legislation out there that may have awakened the "sleeping giant."
Stop Cramming It Down Our Throat!
Any time you have legislation as big as Obamacare and the majority of the people are against it and you pass it in the house by two or three votes, there is by definition, problems with the legislation. Pelosi and her crew crammed this legislation down the American People's throat whether we liked it or not. Why? They have an agenda. There is an element in our society that believes they are the only people who know what is right! WRONG! They don't know and they should not be allowed to govern in this manner. Even if your a democrat and even if you support the health care bill, think about it for a minute. This bill set a precedent that says the federal government can make you buy and/or participate in anything. (Go to if you don't believe this bill was passed as a precedent for future forced participation.)
Well my Sooners came out #1 in the BCS, which surprised even me a little bit. Glad to see it but I did expect Oregon to garner the #1 spot. Apparently OU has a tougher schedule than Oregon so far this year and this week is only going to improve that standing as they play an undefeated Mizzou. The bad news for me is that I have to keep pulling for the worst one loss football team in the country; Florida State. As long as FSU keeps winning that huge win by OU over FSU only helps OU. FSU clearly isn't as good as their record. As it turns out Miami isn't that good either and the play of Miami against Duke and FSU against Boston College only proves my contention. If it wasn't for Mark Stoops................
Obama, Pelosi, Reid LIED! People will DIE!
Boeing Announces Health Care cost increase directly attributed to "Obamacare."
Interesting Piece from Limbaugh
RUSH: Maureen Dowd. Folks, look. It's very simple. She has this piece in the New York Times yesterday that's just incoherent, rips into all these Republican women as "Mean Girls". It's a sad, sad
thing. Everybody is trying to figure out: What happened to Maureen Dowd? She used to be funny, used to be appointment reading. What happened is that a guy she really had -- she was in love with -- dumped her and was mean to her. Didn't just dump her, but did it in a mean, mean way. And she had everything invested in this guy, and she hasn't been the same since this happened. If I didn't have the scruples I have, I'd give you every detail because I know every detail because I know the guy. I have heard the guy explain the story, and I got livid! I was livid when I heard the story being told. The guy told me how much fun it was! I said, "Gee whiz! I'm supposed to be the guy with no heart here! I'm the conservative! I'm supposed to be the guy that has no compassion!" (interruption) Oh, yeah, big time liberal. Oh, no question, absolutely. At any rate, it's just a sad thing out there. Very, very sad thing. While everybody is trying to figure out what went wrong, what's changed Maureen Dowd, it's something that happens to everybody who really just gets heartbroken. (interruption) Now, not a -- Snerdley, you know, why do you always descend in that direction? She was not having a hot flash when writing.
Random Thoughts and Points
The Blame Game is over Mr. Obama - Just Fix It.
Killer Whales are the #1 predator to Sea Otters we spent 15 million dollars to research something everyone knows already. Wackos think we can stop nature! Stupidity!
Barney "Fag" Frank is apparently in big trouble in his congressional race so his boyfriend decided to heckle the opponent on TV.
At least 63 house seats are in serious danger of going to the GOP. I'm hoping for the full 100 myself, including Pelosi and Frank.
Liberals in South Carolina are asking for an all out ban on cell phone use in vehicles. This isn't about saving lives by the way. It is about alleged brain cancer, so they say. However the truth is closer to the fact that a cell phone is a singular expression of freedom, just like the automobile. Liberals are trying to limit the type of automobile you drive. Everything liberals do is predicated on saving lives. The truth; it's about limiting your freedoms.
Michelle Obama was out preaching nutrition and obesity over the weekend. It is estimated by some experts that she has put on at least 30lbs in the last 6 months. Hypocrite. You thought my last statement was nuts. Doesn't the fact Michelle says do as I say not as I do lend some credibility to the previous paragraph?
Obama tried to acuse the US Chamber of Commerce of taking foreign money. While there actually is not evidense of such. We do know that Clinton took money from Communist China in exchange for rocket technology. Clinton used that money in his campain. Sit down and shut up Mr. Obama.
Sharon Angle appears to be on the cusp of taking down one of the most corupt senators in the history of the USA; "Dingy" Harry Reid. She is now over 50% in the polls.
This dude looks MEAN:
Obama tried to acuse the US Chamber of Commerce of taking foreign money. While there actually is not evidense of such. We do know that Clinton took money from Communist China in exchange for rocket technology. Clinton used that money in his campain. Sit down and shut up Mr. Obama.
Sharon Angle appears to be on the cusp of taking down one of the most corupt senators in the history of the USA; "Dingy" Harry Reid. She is now over 50% in the polls.
This dude looks MEAN:
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