Well there was an event at the "Mall" again this weekend. What a disaster. The media is trying to spin it as some nobel event. It was a travesty instead.
They have tried to spin it several directions. First they tried to inflate the numbers and compare them to Glen Becks rally. This article: DC rally shows support for struggling Democrats is an example of everything that is wrong with the media, although it did admit that the crowd was much smaller than the Beck event.
Some of the things this article doesn't tell you, tells you a lot about media spin and proves the mainstream media is actually the biased entity. For example, they don't tell you that over half the people were bused in by the unions and that the unions paid for the trips and in some cases even paid the people to show up. By contrast no one at the Beck event was paid.
The first thing the article says is that Democrats are tapping into anger as the "Tea Party" has done. Nothing could be a bigger lie. The "Tea Party" isn't angry. They are mad but there is a difference. The Democrats are angry and that is, well let's be honest, it's HATE!
Ed Schultz wants the people to stand up against corporations. Who is he kidding, not only is he a member of the NBC Corporation, he is also a member of the biased media "corporation" as well as supporting the "corporation" also known as the Obama Administration. Make no mistake, at this level of politics in today's world the Federal Government is a "corporation." With the crew running the government right now it is the most corupt of "corporations" as well.
On the other hand the "Tea Party" isn't a corporation at all. They have very little if any corporate backing despite the acusations of such from the "professional left." (Olberman, Maddow, Shultz and the over all mainstream media.) The tea party is a true grass roots organization by the people, for the people, of the people. They are thinkers and not emotional or paid followers as we saw over the weekend at the Lincoln Memorial.
You want to know the difference between conservatives and liberals? When the Beck rally was over there was hardly a speck of trash. This is how the liberals left it.....
Finally despite what the article said this event was in retaliation to the Beck rally. Make no mistake about it. More Lies!
Tolerance Gone Awry
I saw a video that Ellen DeGeneris did in reaction to the Rutgers student that committed suicide. I'm sorry the kid committed suicide. I'm sorry for his problems but her reaction and the use of the suicide to claim people needed to and would have their minds changed about being "Gay" was a bunch of emotional clap trap.
I have have friends that are gay, one in particular I could call on anytime I needed anything or she could call me. She is a person and I treat her no different than I do anyone else. I don't judge her at all. This notion by Ellen however that the reason this kid committed suicide was because of "intolerance" is bunch of hog wash. The next issue of tolerance is why is the left tolerant of only certain points of view?
In case you don't know two dorm mates posted an 18 year old student having his first homosexual encounter on the internet. What these kids did was mean but it was also part of being young. Everyone has done it and there isn't any amount of (anykind) of preaching you can say to a kid that will stop them from being insensitive to someone else at some point in their life. So get over that part right now. You can't teach tolerance on one issue when you are intolerant on your own chosen issues. Everyone has issues they don't tolerate. It's called being human.
Again I'm sorry this kid committed suicide but he had more to this than the fact someone exposed him as being gay. As humans we inherently know what is right and what is wrong. He committed suicide because of deeper issues. The posting of his coming out on the internet was just a final trigger. He was ashamed. The question is why was he ashamed? Was he ashamed because he knew deep down he was wrong? Was he ashamed because of outside pressures?
I'm totally politically incorrect on my opinion but that doesn't make it wrong. He committed suicide because he was ashamed and because he knew he was wrong way deep down inside. There isn't enough space to get into all that here but whether you're and evolutionist or creationist or some other religious vent, they all tell you it's wrong. Your human nature deep down inside tells you its wrong. It's a spiritual human issue, again to long to get into here.
I feel sorry for the young man that committed suicide but don't preach to me about tolerance because someone else's demons drove him to jump from the George Washington Bridge.
Gracie and I had a discussion the other night about TV shows not being real life. Gracie insisted that some TV is real. I asked her which TV show is that and she said "the news" Sadly, I informed that even the news isnt real.