News On The Go

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Random Thoughts

     You thought Fox News was biased then you realized they can't hold a candle to NPR or MSNBC.  Actually Fox News isn't biased.  (Editorial Shows don't count)  Even though Fox News editorial hosts tend to lean right, they're fair with their guests and have pundits from both sides.  By comparison NPR nor MSNBC Never have a pundit from the other side of the aisle.  When I say never........ I mean NEVER!
     Compared to the rest of the media, Fox is the most fair and the most balanced.  Those who disagree have too much invested in the far left to admit otherwise.  NPR fired Juan Williams, a known leftist, for expressing his right of free speech.  That speech wasn't politically correct.  Political correctness is not what this country is all about.  One could argue he may have been wrong, but then they would be politically correct. 
     You know what, sometime discrimination, may save your life.  Clearly that trumps correctness.  (You have to know the whole story of Juan Williams to get my point here.  Look it up.)

     Well I actually didn't think the Sooners were ready to play for the title this year, unless Bradford had stayed.  Look out next year.  That young defense is going to be awesome next year.  The offense is improving too.  They may win two in a row, but not until next year.  This will still be a good year however. 
     I said Oregon was the team to beat weeks ago anyway.  Even Alabama didn't scare me.  Now I may pull for Mizzou but this may be the first time in ........ what 5 or 6 years the Big 12 hasn't played for the title.  Mizzou could still get there, but they might have to beat OU again and I don't think that will happen a second time.

     So now we know the Democrats love to cheat and are the biggest cheaters on the planet.  Why can't rank an file democrats admit that by the way?  Is that really the country they want to live in.  Where it doesn't matter as long as your guy gets in strictly based on party.  Never mind if that party enacts laws that will hurt your kids and grand kids as long as it's my team.  It just shows you the simple mindedness of the rank and file democrats.  Republicans won't back one of their own if he lies to you.  Democrats don't care.  I guess if you're a democrat you're just corrupt.  How else can I define it?  You're cheaters, PERIOD!  There is not other explanation.  (Case for this rant!  Illegals campaigning for democrats in Washington State and in another state which escapes me at the moment, just plain and simple, out and out voter fraud.  The democratic party pushed through ballots for voters on their behalf.  The picked voters that tended not to vote very often and voted for them.) 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bias In The Media

From the desk of Dick Morris
Dear Reader:
I was shocked that NPR, a taxpayer-funded organization, fired Juan Williams for his innocent opinions he offered on Bill O'Reilly's Fox News show.
It is very clear to me that Democratic billionaire George Soros is once again trying to manipulate voters and enforce political correctness.
He and others who backed Barack Obama are horrified that America will soon reject their radical agenda.
They now want to close down and censor media that offer fair and balanced news.
You may not be aware that Soros made a $1,000,000 donation to MediaMatters, a left-wing front group for the Democratic Party.
Specifically, Soros made clear that his donation was to target Fox News.
Soros’s front group has also smeared me. I consider their attacks a badge of honor, considering what Soros and that group stand for.
You also should know that shortly after Soros donated $1.8 million to NPR, another of his favorite groups, NPR fired Juan Williams, even though he is a liberal.
Even Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters agreed that there was nothing at all wrong with what Williams said about how he feels when he sees Muslims get on airplanes.
There should be no doubt that George Soros is threatening America's freedom of speech.
What better way to send a message to Soros than to defeat 100 of his Pelosi Democrats on Election Day.
Believe it or not, we’re in a position to give Soros and his Democratic foot soldiers a shock.
Please help me elect a Republican Congress that not only will repeal Obamacare but also will de-fund NPR.
NPR doesn’t deserve one thin dime of our tax money!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Uneducated Among Us

Case #1 of the "Uneducated"

     Christine O'Donnell (R) is running for US Senate in Delaware against Chris Coons (D) and they were at a debate when one of the questions was about the separation of church and state.  O'Donnell retorted with the comment "where is separation of church and state in the constitution?"  Well, of course, the left just howled with laughter.  One person was heard to say "oh my god."
     Is Christine O'Donnell uneducated?  The answer is a resounding NO!  Those of you that are educated know that actually, it was the jokers on the left that howled at her answer who are the uneducated.  First of all the phrase "separation of church and state" is no where to be found in the constitution or the Declaration as far as that goes.  Secondly religion is only addressed in the first amendment.  It does not imply a separation of church and state in any way shape or manner.
     What it does say is that the state (i.e. government) cannot establish a national or government sponsored church.  If you know your history at all, which the left in this country doesn't, you know why that clause was put into the first amendment.  The founders were trying to avoid establishments such as "The Church of England."  The church was established essentially so that the king had further control over the population, much as the left is trying to do in this country with nationalised health care and cap and trade.  Health care is just a new form of the government established church in England.  Think about that for a minute.  Be honest with yourself, it's undeniable.  Why people that are so "pro choice" would allow a government run health care system is unfathomable.
     There is another issue that goes along with this as well.  Either Christine O'Donnell is a witch or she is a Christian.  I wish the left would make up their mind on that topic.  I also wish the left, even the rank and file left, would get an education.  They should at least abandon their mis-education.  Some lefty will probably leave me a note telling me I'm the uneducated one.  I'll I can tell you then is that they didn't do a stitch of research before spewing their mis-educated views.  The bad news there is they probably learned their mis-education from the main stream media.
     Speaking of religion if you are a Muslim, you are to be tolerated.  Christians are not to be tolerated in this country, according to the political left, even though it is for the most part a "Christian" nation (by definition.)  It's ok, however, the first amendment protects Muslims just the same as Christians.  It shouldn't protect them if they are attacking the country with violent force.  That is something Christians don't do.  Only radical Muslims and the extreme radical left blow up buildings and people.  Admittedly there are two examples of people considered to be on the far right that did blow up two buildings.  However they don't hold a candle to Obama's mentor Bill Ayers, the uni-bomber among many others.

Edumacation (Yeah, it was spelled like that on purpose.)

     While listening to an interview of the new Tallahassee Community College president, I was reminded of one of the most fatal flaws in today's public education systems.
     Money! Money! Money!  Oh education is failing, we must need more money.  We have heard that mantra for at least 40 years, maybe 50 years.  After that many years, clearly, money is not the answer.  When are we going to wake up as a population and figure that out?  Why is it that if a college failed to provide a proper education they would lose their accreditation.  If it's a public secondary school and the test scores haven't changed in 40 years, well then obviously it's a money problem.  What a crock of cow dung!  No the problem is socialisation of education, the excessive upper administrations of education and the lack of parental participation in their child's education.  If you fix what the states and the federal government is doing to education the parental problem will take care of itself. 
     All this leads to a deeper rooted issue however.  There is an element of people and most of them are in education, who think only the government can raise a child.  Would somebody tell me what makes a teacher smarter than the parent?  What gives the teacher or the government a right to intrude on the raising of the child by the parent?  It's getting so bad that many parents are being falsely accused of abuse.  There was a family that one state took their kids because they didn't agree with an organization in which the father was a member.  What right is it of the state or the school to determine what organization you can belong too.  Keith Olberman likes to call the "right" fascist.  Clearly he doesn't understand the word.  The Nazis like the left in this country want to raise your kids - that is fascism.

Today's Links


Monday, October 18, 2010

Short Stories

     Democrats in Disarray

     The Democrats are in big trouble and they are in such a deep hole they are even running against their own agenda.  There are actually Democrats that voted for health care (Obamacare) that are now campaigning against it.  "We have three years to fix it....."  vote us back in.  Are they serious?  You bet they're serious.  It cannot be anymore evident than it is right now that for the past 60 years the Democratic party is the root of every problem we have in America.  Everything they argue about is their own legislation.  Well they finally put some legislation out there that may have awakened the "sleeping giant."

Stop Cramming It Down Our Throat!

     Any time you have legislation as big as Obamacare and the majority of the people are against it and you pass it in the house by two or three votes, there is by definition, problems with the legislation.  Pelosi and her crew crammed this legislation down the American People's throat whether we liked it or not.  Why?  They have an agenda.  There is an element in our society that believes they are the only people who know what is right!  WRONG!  They don't know and they should not be allowed to govern in this manner.  Even if your a democrat and even if you support the health care bill, think about it for a minute.  This bill set a precedent that says the federal government can make you buy and/or participate in anything.  (Go to if you don't believe this bill was passed as a precedent for future forced participation.) 


     Well my Sooners came out #1 in the BCS, which surprised even me a little bit.  Glad to see it but I did expect Oregon to garner the #1 spot.  Apparently OU has a tougher schedule than Oregon so far this year and this week is only going to improve that standing as they play an undefeated Mizzou.  The bad news for me is that I have to keep pulling for the worst one loss football team in the country; Florida State.  As long as FSU keeps winning that huge win by OU over FSU only helps OU.  FSU clearly isn't as good as their record.  As it turns out Miami isn't that good either and the play of Miami against Duke and FSU against Boston College only proves my contention.  If it wasn't for Mark Stoops................

Obama, Pelosi, Reid LIED! People will DIE!

Boeing Announces Health Care cost increase directly attributed to "Obamacare."

Interesting Piece from Limbaugh

RUSH: Maureen Dowd. Folks, look.  It's very simple.  She has this piece in the New York Times yesterday that's just incoherent, rips into all these Republican women as "Mean Girls".  It's a sad, sad thing.  Everybody is trying to figure out: What happened to Maureen Dowd? She used to be funny, used to be appointment reading.  What happened is that a guy she really had -- she was in love with -- dumped her and was mean to her.  Didn't just dump her, but did it in a mean, mean way.  And she had everything invested in this guy, and she hasn't been the same since this happened.  If I didn't have the scruples I have, I'd give you every detail because I know every detail because I know the guy.  I have heard the guy explain the story, and I got livid! I was livid when I heard the story being told. The guy told me how much fun it was! I said, "Gee whiz! I'm supposed to be the guy with no heart here! I'm the conservative! I'm supposed to be the guy that has no compassion!" (interruption) Oh, yeah, big time liberal.  Oh, no question, absolutely.  At any rate, it's just a sad thing out there.  Very, very sad thing.  While everybody is trying to figure out what went wrong, what's changed Maureen Dowd, it's something that happens to everybody who really just gets heartbroken. (interruption) Now, not a -- Snerdley, you know, why do you always descend in that direction? She was not having a hot flash when writing.  

     Random Thoughts and Points

The Blame Game is over Mr. Obama - Just Fix It.

Killer Whales are the #1 predator to Sea Otters we spent 15 million dollars to research something everyone knows already.  Wackos think we can stop nature!  Stupidity!

Barney "Fag" Frank is apparently in big trouble in his congressional race so his boyfriend decided to heckle the opponent on TV.

At least 63 house seats are in serious danger of going to the GOP.  I'm hoping for the full 100 myself, including Pelosi and Frank.

Liberals in South Carolina are asking for an all out ban on cell phone use in vehicles.  This isn't about saving lives by the way.  It is about alleged brain cancer, so they say.  However the truth is closer to the fact that a cell phone is a singular expression of freedom, just like the automobile.  Liberals are trying to limit the type of automobile you drive.  Everything liberals do is predicated on saving lives.  The truth; it's about limiting your freedoms.

Michelle Obama was out preaching nutrition and obesity over the weekend.  It is estimated by some experts that she has put on at least 30lbs in the last 6 months.  Hypocrite.  You thought my last statement was nuts.  Doesn't the fact Michelle says do as I say not as I do lend some credibility to the previous paragraph?

Obama tried to acuse the US Chamber of Commerce of taking foreign money.  While there actually is not evidense of such. We do know that Clinton took money from Communist China in exchange for rocket technology.  Clinton used that money in his campain.  Sit down and shut up Mr. Obama.

Sharon Angle appears to be on the cusp of taking down one of the most corupt senators in the history of the USA; "Dingy" Harry Reid.  She is now over 50% in the polls.

This dude looks MEAN: 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Spin Spin Spin

     Can The Media Ever Tell The Truth?

    Well there was an event at the "Mall" again this weekend.  What a disaster.  The media is trying to spin it as some nobel event.  It was a travesty instead. 

     They have tried to spin it several directions.  First they tried to inflate the numbers and compare them to Glen Becks rally.  This article: DC rally shows support for struggling Democrats is an example of everything that is wrong with the media, although it did admit that the crowd was much smaller than the Beck event.

     Some of the things this article doesn't tell you, tells you a lot about media spin and proves the mainstream media is actually the biased entity.  For example, they don't tell you that over half the people were bused in by the unions and that the unions paid for the trips and in some cases even paid the people to show up.  By contrast no one at the Beck event was paid.

     The first thing the article says is that Democrats are tapping into anger as the "Tea Party" has done.  Nothing could be a bigger lie.  The "Tea Party" isn't angry.  They are mad but there is a difference.  The Democrats are angry and that is, well let's be honest, it's HATE! 

     Ed Schultz wants the people to stand up against corporations.  Who is he kidding, not only is he a member of the NBC Corporation, he is also a member of the biased media "corporation" as well as supporting the "corporation" also known as the Obama Administration.  Make no mistake, at this level of politics in today's world the Federal Government is a "corporation."  With the crew running the government right now it is the most corupt of "corporations" as well.

    On the other hand the "Tea Party" isn't a corporation at all.  They have very little if any corporate backing despite the acusations of such from the "professional left." (Olberman, Maddow, Shultz and the over all mainstream media.)  The tea party is a true grass roots organization by the people, for the people, of the people.  They are thinkers and not emotional or paid followers as we saw over the weekend at the Lincoln Memorial.

     You want to know the difference between conservatives and liberals?  When the Beck rally was over there was hardly a speck of trash.  This is how the liberals left it.....

This is one of the better pictures, where they actually at least piled it up.  The whole Lincoln Memorial as well as the WWII memorial was trashed.  You can see the WWII memorial here:

    Finally despite what the article said this event was in retaliation to the Beck rally.  Make no mistake about it.  More Lies!

Tolerance Gone Awry

     I saw a video that Ellen DeGeneris did in reaction to the Rutgers student that committed suicide.  I'm sorry the kid committed suicide.  I'm sorry for his problems but her reaction and the use of the suicide to claim people needed to and would have their minds changed about being "Gay" was a bunch of emotional clap trap. 

     I have have friends that are gay, one in particular I could call on anytime I needed anything or she could call me.  She is a person and I treat her no different than I do anyone else.  I don't judge her at all.  This notion by Ellen however that the reason this kid committed suicide was because of "intolerance" is bunch of hog wash.  The next issue of tolerance is why is the left tolerant of only certain points of view?

     In case you don't know two dorm mates posted an 18 year old student having his first homosexual encounter on the internet.  What these kids did was mean but it was also part of being young.  Everyone has done it and there isn't any amount of (anykind) of preaching you can say to a kid that will stop them from being insensitive to someone else at some point in their life.  So get over that part right now.  You can't teach tolerance on one issue when you are intolerant on your own chosen issues.  Everyone has issues they don't tolerate.  It's called being human.

     Again I'm sorry this kid committed suicide but he had more to this than the fact someone exposed him as being gay.  As humans we inherently know what is right and what is wrong.  He committed suicide because of deeper issues.  The posting of his coming out on the internet was just a final trigger.  He was ashamed.  The question is why was he ashamed?  Was he ashamed because he knew deep down he was wrong?  Was he ashamed because of outside pressures? 

    I'm totally politically incorrect on my opinion but that doesn't make it wrong.  He committed suicide because he was ashamed and because he knew he was wrong way deep down inside.  There isn't enough space to get into all that here but whether you're and evolutionist or creationist or some other religious vent, they all tell you it's wrong.  Your human nature deep down inside tells you its wrong.  It's a spiritual human issue, again to long to get into here.

     I feel sorry for the young man that committed suicide but don't preach to me about tolerance because someone else's demons drove him to jump from the George Washington Bridge.